Over the last 18 months, no doubt prompted by lockdown scenarios and a lack of clarity about what may be around the corner, we have had an increase in conversations with our customers about the use of cloud technologies. Many of our customers have aspects of cloud, to a greater or lesser degree, but sometimes the conversations seem to indicate a view that if there is not an ongoing push to cloud then there are opportunities being missed.
In my experience cloud offers significant advantages in many scenarios but not necessarily all. For a start, public and private cloud solutions suit different scenarios and onsite infrastructure still has much to offer.
The trick is identifying what best suits your infrastructure and situation, and remembering that the technologies are not mutually exclusive. Different aspects of the business and the infrastructure can benefit from public, private or onsite; a hybrid is often the best all round solution.
Make sure you complete a due diligence process to clarify overall goals and the benefits, or otherwise, of different implementation scenarios.
We help our customers implement infrastructure and services strategically,implementing cloud, onsite and outsourced solutions to realise the greatest benefit for the business.